P&G: Pikeperch caught in Russian lakes

Le 24/06/2020 à 16:47 par La Rédaction


From Berlin, in Germany, P&G is one of Europe's largest suppliers of pikeperch. It buys it from netters and trawlers in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. At its factory in Astrachan, Russia, the fish is frozen in its natural state: whole, filleted, portioned, minced, cheeks... "This is a premium quality product, clean manual cuts, boneless fillets," says Claire Gimenez, in charge of EU exports. Everything is frozen to spread the sales. "Quality is better in winter and fishing is more restricted in summer. " Glazing is controlled in Lithuania, the gateway to the EU. P&G also sells perch from Russian lakes. "The best quality comes from Siberia. " P&G supplies 70% of wholesalers in 5-10 kg vacuum packs, but also sells under its brand names Gourmano (organic, ASC and MSC products) and NaturManufaktur, in German and Austrian supermarkets.


The German importer is trying to obtain the MSC on its Russian pike-perch which is subject to quotas, in order to better seduce the buyer. “Competition is tough on the market of freshwater fish,” admits Claire Gimenez. For the time being, only pikeperch from Estonia and Sweden carry the MSC certification, and are exported as fresh fish to Switzerland. But P&G, whose core business remains pike-perch, cannot get away from including the classics in its range: salmon, bass, sea bream, trout, cod...

Solène LE ROUX
Translation : Catherine ROUSSEY


Find out more : Germany : In the land of rollmops

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